Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hosting a Work Meeting

Aside from the everyday Carlson Blue button downs and the almost obsessive need to have a coffee maker in the room, what does the art of hosting a work meeting entail?

If it is before 11:00AM you better have a breakfast option, the same goes for lunch from 11:30-12:30.

But what it certainly does not entail is having to rely on only yourself to produce a well maintained meeting. If you are part of a team of co-workers they should be there helping set up and definitely helping clean up and take down.

Also? Do not ever think of just leaving any space a mess for the janitor to clean up. I don't care if you are Bill Gates or Barack Obama...okay, they probably hire people for that....but it is still rude as can be.

But mainly I shouldn't have to ask you three times to get up from your cubicle to come help me clean up a pigsty that resulted from a two hour morning meeting.

The end.

(Conference Room Pictured Not Actual Conference Room)

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