Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cutting Corners

For every woman out there who has been to a nail salon- I KNOW how you feel about giving up that weekly to monthly pedicure or manicure. Something about nail technicians and their salons relax us. It probably has something to do with the ultra concentrated chemicals in the air or those luxuriously comfortable massage chairs. Either way, it feels great and you and I both know it.

For what economists are calling the "Great Recession," it is in the forefront of every one's minds to cut costs by eradicating our guilty pleasures.

Unfortunately, those no whip soy raspberry iced lattes, pedis and manis, waxing, and unlimited texting plans are what keep us women running. Unless the men or family members and friends in our lives want to see our worst sides I suggest keeping these things around! Guilty pleasures are our ways of de-stressing, relaxing, waking up, and socializing. So how do you keep these things around when it is time to pinch pennies?

First of all it's realistic that everyone has to CUT BACK. Cutting back does not mean giving up entirely though. Withdrawing ourselves from minute pleasures often leads to a spending splurge and pleasure binge which we regret later. What's worse-is that many of our female comrades are employed within these guilty pleasure industries. We hurt ourselves, our friends, and industries by withdrawing completely!

The Plan

To make the most of your money figure out the amount you need for all necessary expenses.
  • Education Costs
  • Food (groceries and 1-2 meals out per week)
  • Housing
  • Electricity, Gas, Garbage, Sewer, etc.
  • Gasoline/Diesel fuel per week

Tally your expenses and subtract them from your monthly income. Out of the remaining money pledge to put aside 10% of what is left into savings. Whether it is 1$ or 1,000$ paying yourself first is KEY to having money in the future!

Next, figure out how much you spend currently on your guilty pleasures. Try and cut that in half to begin with, even if you have money to cover the expenses. We are trying to save here people!

Now that finances are figured out it is time to figure out exactly HOW we are going to make it without those delicious lattes and pedis. How do we stretch?! Do we need to stretch?!

Haircuts are meant to be planned about 6-8 weeks apart depending on how fast your hair grows and the type of cut you have. This is a pretty reasonable pleasure and it is far enough apart to plan ahead without stretching or skimping on. The same goes for hair color as well, and some people even prefer to wait 2 to 3 months on dyeing hair. Once again, this is very reasonable to plan for.

For haircare products, use professional brands. Professional brands contain higher concentrations of product which means you do not have to use as much each time. Many salons have sales so ask your stylist the next time you are in for an appointment. Depending on how many people in the household use the products they can usually last for several months. Conditioner does not need to be applied every day and there are leave in sprays which can be used on the days you don't use conditioner if your hair requires it.


Many stores carry the widest variety of supplies for at home manicures and pedicures. These supplies can last for many months if not a year or two. For a great mani/pedi you will need nail polish, clippers, and a file. For extra special pampering you can purchase your own cuticle oil, buffers, and exfoliators for cheap prices. Sephora and Walgreen's even carry shaving tools to rid your feet of rough, dead skin.

If you are into french nails I just purchased a nail pen set tonight that worked pretty well. It will definitely take some practice, but it still looks pretty good if you take your time. I purchased a Sally Hansen French Manicure Kit in Le Bon Bon at Walgreen's today. This is just one of many nail pen sets that allows for quick no fuss nail painting. I might try and find another option for the base color on behalf of it not being sheer enough for my personal taste- but it definitely does the job.

There is no way around it. You are going to be hard pressed to find a way to make at home coffee taste like Starbucks. While there are some great coffee makers, presses, grinders, flavor syrups, and mugs out there-it just won't happen. Cut back and call it a day on this one. Suck it up with a crappier cup of joe on weekends and three work days per week. One thing I have done is use it as a reward for when I arrive early to where I'm supposed to be or take the bus instead of paying for parking that day. It helps keep this as a special treat rather than a raging "necessity" for functioning personality.

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